Maisto Mustang & Camaro

More 1/64 posts from Maisto items. Maisto is generally cheaper then HotWheels and Matchbox. A whole $1.00 cheaper to be exact. It also mean that it is $1.00 less in quality and details. The two vehicles are 2010 Ford Mustang and Chevy Camaro. The complaint I got from Maisto is the lack of details such as painting or decals on front or rear lamps.

1/6 Blade Comic Ver.

My latest 1/6 figure collection. My ever favorite Blade from Marvel. I couldn't get hold of Hot Toys Blade II version so I ended up getting the Comic Version first. This is a product by Medicom Japan. Maybe in the future I will acquire the HT version so in the meantime here are some pictures for you to enjoy....

Overall, I will give it a 8.5/10 for the 1/6 Blade. Articulation is doing its job. Leather jacket has it authentic feels to it. Somehow I think Hot Toys product always reign over other 1/6 companies.

Kaiman : The Soldier of the Lizard Head Pt.2

This is the continuation of the Kaiman figure from my previous post. Today I will have his head replaced with another Masked head that comes with the figure. I think the lightning aer better this time. Hope you like it.

Yujin GTRs

G'Day! Here is something different from my usual scale car models. These are Yujin mini Choro-Q GT-R's. The model you are looking at are white R35 and yellow R34. Check it out!

Yeap, when you put it next to a 1/64 model it is that small....

Dodge Neon Mopar drag Car

Another HotWheels in my old collection box. This is Dodge Neon MOPAR Pro FWD '05 drag car from the state. I had it since 2003. Check it out

KONIG Monsters "Gerwalk" Mode

As promised yesterday, here are the photos of the Konig Monsters in Gerwalk mode. I preferred this mode as it show its true power with that cool long gun turrets. The Konig Monster is very bulky but I was disappointed by the way YAMATO build this thing. I don't know is it because I never open it for so long that the joints are becoming loose. Anyone encounter this problem with Yamato action figures or mechas? In the mean time please enjoy the photos as it took me quite sometimes to get the right poses.

*I didn't apply any decals on the Konig Monster. Maybe sometime in the future with more pose on the Robot mode.

Konig Monster Pt.1

I have this VB-6 Konig Monster for quite sometime and never had a chance to actually open it and play with the transformation. Today I will do just that so stay tunefor my next post!

Konig Monster is made by YAMATO

Shuttle Mode, Gerwalk Mode, Robot Mode

Instructions manual and decals

Majorette Michellin Vehicles

Those who follow F1 a few years ago will know that Michellin and Bridgestone were fighting their tires war on tracks. Then Bridgestone sealed their faith to be the sole distributor of F1 tires to all F1 teams. This year Bridgestone announced that they will quit F1 after the 2010 seasons. Now there are several Tires manufacturers(Michellin, Pirelli, etc) fighting for that spot again. Many suggested that Michellin will win.

Here are two vehicles with yellow and blue livery painted with Michellin infamous Tire man logo. Both are from a popular French toys maker, Majorette. Both the truck and delivery vehicles are from Renault. Check it out.