Pt.1 - 1/48 Gundam RX-78-2 Megasize

Had this in my room for quite sometime, it is also the first time I start to assemble Gunpla kit in almost 5 years. I want his kit because of the size once its assembled. It is 1/48 in scale and will stand about 37cm tall. RX-78-2 is my all time favorite Gundam after Strike and Freedom. This kit is very simple and very easy to build. It only took me less then half an hour to assemble the leg sections. Check it out below.

Very huge box!

I always like my stuff neatly packed inside the box, sometime it is so neat I don't feel like assembling them....

The kit also come with a clipper for easy detachment of parts

This is the 15mins work of my precious time

In less then 30mins, I completed both legs and now awaiting it lining....

A very simple and easy build, highly recommended for amateur. If you are PG(Perfect Grade) fans, then I think this kit is peanut for you.

Robot Damashii Den'An Gel

I was never a fan of action figure Gundam. I prefer to assemble them myself but when Bandai released this Den'An Gel from the F91 animation I immediately ordered one!

This is Robot Damashi, another fine product by Bandai. This is my very first Robot Damashii and I am so impressed with this one I ordered a few more! The articulations and joints is very impressive. Details and coloring is always Bandai top priority so this model doesn't miss it either. Check out the pictures below.

Macross Zero VF-OS

Alright!!! Finally VF-0S from Macross Zero is in my possession. This item had been in my dream lists ever since I watched the OVA Series. This is just some pictures but will do a full review soon. My hands are quite tight now as we are expecting our new born baby soon~

Austin Power Figures

I received this item from Brisbane last month from my family. I didn't even remember that I even bid this item on eBay. Anyway, this is figure from MEZ-ITZ, and they are characters from one of my favorite movie Austin Powers. The item consists of Mr.Austin Powers himself, Dr.Evil and Mini-Me. Mei-Itz is an American company, their range is similar to Be@rBrick but I think Be@rbrick has much better quality. Check it out

The Simpsons 2Oth Anniversary Collector Sets

More Simpsons figurines from TPF. I actually already completed collecting the whole set last year. The reason I acquired this set is because it comes with the Limited Edition Figurine. If I can recall the set cost about BND$40-$50. I bought this in Perth, Western Australia.

Exclusive Plopper The Pampered Pig a.k.a Spider Pig!

Hatsune Miku VN02

This is my second Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid. I have no idea who she is or what she does. LOL. I just know that every hobby maker in Japan is trying to get a piece of her in either action figures or PVC. This one here is from Max Factory and its called Hatsune Miku VN02. I had been waiting for her for almost 6 months! Finally I got hold of her and I only got one word to summarise the PVC figure, "Breathtaking". I will let the pictures do the talking.

Now VN02 will join my new shelf with my Konig Monster