Good Morning Ladies & Gentlemen

Hello Readers and Bloggers,

Sorry for not updating the blog for almost 4 weeks. Last December 2009, my schedule was jam packed with tons of things that filled up most of my free time.

Firstly - CH-Toynation big shipments from HK and Japan arrived.
Secondly - I was busy with my family new house.
Thirdly - I was busy preparing my wedding on Jan 2010.
Fourthly - DevMeet 5 (2009) which CH-Toynation were the main sponsor, was slotted in that month too!

Phew~~~~~~~~~I am still kinda busy now but don't worry I still have time for updating. It's 2010 and it still feel the same sh*t to me. LOL. I will post more stuff up very soon so watch out!


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